Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wilton Decorating Basics: Lesson 3

For the third class, we decorated cupcakes! I went with chocolate cupcakes with orange/vanilla flavored butter cream icing.

We learned to use a lot of the tips and how to make many different flowers.

Drop Flower:
The icing was a little too thin here so they look a bit messy.
These came out better. They also look nice as a cake border.

These rosettes look cute covering the top of the cupcake!
They also look cute as the center of a flower.

Pompom Flower:

Shaggy Mum and leaves:

Next week we learn roses for our last lesson. Stay tuned to see my final cake!

Missed my posts about the first two lessons?
Check them out here: Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.

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