Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Welcome to our blog, Brighter Side Designs!

To introduce ourselves, we are Megan and Liss, two sisters from Southern Maine, who have been crafting together our whole lives. We are heavily inspired by Martha Stewart, having been big fans of her show since we were practically 10 years old! We love how she has fun with crafting, while taking it seriously and making it into an art.

We believe that crafting is a wonderful creative outlet. Even on a budget, you can make so many new decorations and other creations with things that you already have around your house! We love the fact that you can be resourceful, taking a few simple materials (like paper, glue, glitter, Sharpie, thread, ribbon, etc.), put them together and make something bigger and better. Our specialties are paper crafts, but we like to do many things--including baking and making festive arrangements!

We have created this blog together to share our mutual love for crafting with those who are interested in seeing, learning, and sharing some simple crafting projects--and, it being December 1st--there's no better time for getting crafty than the Christmas and holiday season!

Thanks for reading and following this blog. We love and are interested in any ideas (or questions) that come from our readers!

Thank you!
Megan & Liss

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