Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Apple Picking 2011

This year, like last year, we attended the Shaker Hill Apple Festival in Alfred, ME. It's a lovely little event with a craft fair, yard sale, bake sale, and other activities. We also went apple picking at the near by Notre Dame Orchards (Giles Family Farm). We've been going to this orchard for years!

Here are some scenic photos of the orchard:

And, here's what we came home with:

I'm not a big pie fan, but I had lots of fun plans for the apples. It's been a personal dream of mine to make my own apple sauce and I did it quite easily with my beloved Crock-Pot. It turned out delicious. Around here, our favorite breakfast (and sometimes dinner!) is a baked apple pancake, so we definitely made a few of those! I also made chocolate covered caramel apples which I'll be blogging about soon - stay tuned!

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